The Dragon Channel

The Dragon Channel
Alphedia Arara is known by some as the Dragon Lady or the Dragon Channel! 

With ten years experience of working with the Dragons in this incarnation Alphedia is excellently placed to run the Dragon Wisdom School. 

She will be bringing through monthly Dragon channeled messages to assist us in working with the Dragon Realm and giving them a voice, through her, to communicate with humans on Earth at this exciting time of Ascension. 

If you have any questions you would like the Dragons to answer in their channelings please contact us.

Channeled Message from the Dragons on Alphedia Arara and the Dragon Realm

"Alphedia Arara is a soul who has been working with Dragon consciousness for many thousands of years on the Earth plane and in the other realms.

Her dragon guide Arctun is the overseer of the Dragon Wisdom School and is welcoming many thousands of souls to make a connection with the Dragons again.

We Dragons are ready to trust humanity and to heal any Dragon karma you are carrying to forge a beautiful bridge of light again between our realms.

We are here to assist you all on your Ascension Path of Light and to support Mother Earth on her journey too. We are leading a light revolution to call more souls to see the light within and to move out of torture and pain as a path in physical form.

As the veils lessen you are starting to wake up.

Alphedia was sent on to Earth in a Walk-in soul swap to carry the mantel of the recreation of the understanding between the Elemental Realms and Humanity.

We Dragons are asking for the souls who are ready to live in soul integrity to let us start to work with you to enhance your Earth walk experience. Why should you be suffering? Allow us Dragons to teach you how to undo the conditioning you have been programmed into. Allow us to protect you physically, mentally, emotionally and psychically.

Call on us and truly believe in our power to be of service and to align you with your highest soul potential. To be the shining light you came on to Earth to be and to follow your path without fear of prejudice, injury or ridicule. 

Times are changing and we are ready to assist you in taking back your soul sovereignty power. To walk the path of truth, integrity and to be of service to the whole, not only the 'I' self.

Are you ready to work for the collective good of all? Are you ready to serve the light within? We know you are! But do you? 

Alphedia is here as an example of following the inner path of truth to inspire you all to do the same and aid and assist you in overcoming any inner challenges, like she has had to do herself.

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