Connecting with Dragons

Connecting with Dragons
Who are the Dragons?

Dragons are very powerful, magical spiritual beings who command respect. Dragons come to you when you are ready to handle their energy on your spiritual path. As you have found yourself on this webpage for whatever reason, your soul has called you here. 

The Dragons are now trying to wake people up to the power and healing on using transformation magic in your life. The art of divine alchemy is energy magic. Changing someone or thing from one vibrational state to another. This is what healing is. 

At this time on Earth we all have the opportunity to heal ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically without chemicals and drugs. The Power of Healing is within us all. 
The Dragons are great beings to work with to help you step fully into your own power as a Divine Sovereign Being here on Earth.

All you have to do is be open to their help. Call them into your life for support and guidance and allow them to guide you and show you the transformational healing your soul is seeking at this time. 

Of course they are here to support Mother Earth with Earth Healing which many of you are passionate about.

As we move out of the 3rd dimensional state of being where the I and the ego self have strong importance into the 5th dimension were community, love, compassion and union are the natural state of being.

Your dragon is a key ally in supporting you in making this transition.

Everyone connects with Dragons differently but here are some ways you can bring the dragons into your life and connect with them more strongly.
If you are new to working with Dragons and would like to connect with them, the Guardian Dragon Recorded Workshop is a good place to start. You can learn who your Guardian Dragons are and the roles that they can perform to assist you at this time.

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