
Crystals are great tools to help you establish communication with the Dragon realm. 

Crystals are formed deep with in the Earth when it formed. 

They contain the records of the development of the Earth over millions of years. 

Due to the minerals, chemical impurities earth and solar energy emissions as well as radiation and the metamorphic forces of formation, crystals come in all colours, shapes and have different vibratory rates. 
They each have a vibrational note or silent song. Crystal types however also have identical internal structures which is how you can identify them under a microscope to categorise them.

Alphedia first learned about crystals in her first year of University when she was studying Earth Science. When her sixth sense opened up she could feel the different energies of the crystals, see healing light auras around them and feel their different vibrations healing her body. 

When Alphedia was asked by the Dragons to set up this Dragon Wisdom School, the Dragon skulls arrived teaching her how to work with them and imparting their wisdom, but before that she used crystals to connect with the Dragon realm and still does use tumble stones and other rough crystals to amplify their communications with her. 

Read more about working with the Dragons skulls on their dedicated page within the Dragon Wisdom School. 

To work with crystals and dragons skulls to connect with the Dragon Realm you would first require to programme your crystal. 

They are a bit like a computer with a store house of knowledge already but with room to receive more information. 
  • First you need to cleanse your new crystal. You can do this by running it under water if it is a type of quartz, some crystals cannot be exposed to water as they fracture, dissolve or change colour. Generally crystals ending in "ite" are not advised to be placed in water. 
  • You can also leave out in moonlight, sunlight (again some crystals such as amethyst and citrine fade if left in direct sunlight for long periods of time) or place on a bed of salt. Other ways are to play singing bowls over them to sound cleanse them, spray an crystal elixir room spray over them or imagine them surrounded by white light and pray over them asking that any negativity be released from the crystal.
  • Ask that healing be sent to the land that the crystal was mined from and to the miners and the people who helped get this crystal to you. Sending them love and blessings. This will energise your crystal with good vibrations and helps the elemental beings who may have been affected by the mining process. 
You can do the same for any dragon skull you become guardian of also. 
  • Hold your crystal or dragon skull and ask that they be programmed now from your heart to assist with clear communication between you and the Dragon realm and any other positive programming or help you wish the crystal to help you receive from the Dragons. 
  • You can then hold the crystal when you meditate to connect with the dragons or sleep with it. You can take it to sacred sites or places you wish to connect with Dragons. Crystals are amplifiers of energy and will help you increase your energy vibration rate and open your sixth sense for you. Our Sixth Sense page gives more information on what crystals can help with this. 
Some crystals are fragile so finding a safe, dry, place to store your crystals are important. You can also wear crystals as jewellery or in your pockets of clothing. 

The crystal energy field will then still be working on your aura and keeping you energetically protected and vibrating at a higher rate. 

Crystals are also great for helping you ground after any meditation journey or after waking up from sleep. 

When you are sleeping you are astrally traveling and learning new information constantly. Sometimes this mean you wake up not fully grounded into your body ready to start your day in a centred way. 

Hold and meditate with a grounding crystal, such as black obsidian, black tourmaline, garnet or green moss agate to help.
Crystal Grids

Crystals can be placed in positions to create an energetic net or web of crystal light. You can grid your house or rooms by placing crystals in each corner to energise or protect the space you live and sleep in. 

You can also lay crystals out in a grid for you to lie or sit in to meditate and invoke the Dragons to come to you.

You can also set up healing grids with the Dragon skulls and crystals to help with Earth healing or healing an individual and set the intent within the crystals for the healing. 

The crystals not only work on the physical realm but the subtle realms and dimensions where energy imbalance can be the root issue of an illness, disagreement or Earth energy disturbance. 

Follow your intuition when gridding with the crystals and allow the Dragons and crystals to guide you as to how to position them for the intended purpose of the grid. 
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