
Dragons love to be invoked to help us humans while on Earth. Invocation is another word for prayer, request for help or a divine command. 

If you are in alignment with the Divine energy you can command into being anything your soul chooses to manifest, as you are in integrity and soul truth.

The Dragons recognise those who are living in integrity with their soul truth and expressing that in their daily interactions. 

Alphedia starts all of her workshops with an Invocation as they are statements of intent to the Universe. 

You can find channeled invocations from Alphedia to connect with the various types of dragons in the Different Types of Dragons pages
Invocations are good to say at the start of a meditation or healing session when you want to call the Dragons in to assist you.

Before you start an invocation it is good to have prepared the sacred space for your Dragon experience. Perhaps light a candle or hold a crystal or Dragon skull. Make sure you have grounded yourself. 

You can imagine that you have two golden roots of light that burrow down from your feet deep into the centre of Mother Earth. When they reach the centre of Mother Earth imagine them spreading out like the roots of an old oak tree grounding you and anchoring you to Mother Earth's loving wisdom. 

Ask for a while light of protection to come around your aura and ask for your auric field to expand.

Here are two invocations the dragons gave Alphedia for you to use:
"I call upon the wisdom of the dragon realm to support me now. I ask for your love, healing and transformational power to guide me in my Earth walk. Please help me to be in soul truth, to shine my light bright and to bring into being my higher purpose for the good of all. Please help me to manifest into form (write in any manifestation requests) and shift any blocks that are in my way. Please help me to clearly see, hear, feel your wisdom and know your communications with me. In love and peace. Namaste."
“Power beings of the Dragon realm I call out to you today. Come forward now as I offer you my light and ask that you enter my dream state and show me your guidance at this time. Please assist me in understanding the wisdom you have to offer humanity and to use this information wisely. I ask that you guide me and protect me along my soul journey. (if there is anything specific you want the Dragons to help you with you can state it here) Thank you for your bright blessings. Blessed Be.”
After saying your chosen invocation, make sure you aren’t going to be disturbed. Close your eyes and relax, clear your mind and take your awareness to your breath. 

Allow your breath to relax you, taking you deeper into a meditative state and imagine you are surrounded in bright white light. You can play gentle music in the background if this helps you to feel at peace. 

After a while you may feel a change of energy through your clairsentience (psychic feelings) or you may see visions of Dragons or you may even hear words as the Dragons connect with you in various different ways. 

They may take you on a journey where when you come out of meditation you have new knowledge or realisations about your life or any other area you enquired about. Write down your experiences as more knowledge may come to you this way.

You can of course create your own invocations but these are powerful ones and saying one daily will bring changes and transformations into your life as you allow the Dragons in.

New Moon Dragon Invocation

"I call up my guardian dragons to assist me in clearing the way for my new moon wishes to come true.

I ask that you allow me to support and assist you too.

Please show me where I block my path. Where I limit the amount I can receive. Aid me in surrendering to your healing light.

This New Moon I wish for ........ (put in your own wishes)......... and that this arrive for the good of all in joy and delight.

As I align with my highest path and remember who I am
I know my ability to wish and command.

Thank you for your wisdom, thank you for your healing light, thank you for your connection and your knowledge and foresight. Adoni”

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