Air Dragons

Air Dragons
Air Dragon
The Air Dragons are beautiful dragons who assist with the world’s weather systems. 

They are the guardians of the winds and are good dragons to call upon for help with hurricanes, tornados and storms. 

They can also be asked to bring the rain clouds to areas of drought or wild fires when you are doing Earth Healing work. 

The Air Dragons assist humans with their mental thought forms and healing the mental body. 

Air Dragons can help with transmuting negative thinking and turning them into positive thought forms. 

Air dragons are good to call upon when you are spending to much time in your mental body to assist you with anxiety, depression and stress.
When we become ungrounded we reside more in the mental self. Yet the mind is unable to support us fully we require to be balanced and in touch with our heart consciousness.

When you feel detached from heart conscious call upon the air dragons to support you in coming out of your mental self and to clear any ego thought forms that are creating unhappiness and imbalance in your life.
I call upon the dragons of air to come to me now. 
Please transmute for me any thought forms that are causing anxiety and stress to manifest in my life. 
Help me know I am safe and loved at all times. 
Help me to heal any loneliness and depressive thinking and get to the core beliefs that are creating discordant energy in my life just now. Help me to feel the love of the dragon kingdom supporting me at this time and show me clarity in my path ahead. Adoni."
Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.
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