Solar Dragons

Solar Dragons

The Solar Dragons are the Dragons of the Sun. They carry the Solar light codes which energise and heal us. They connect us with Divine Source light and help us when our Solar Fire energy is out of balance.

The Solar Dragons are coming forward more at this time to help lightworkers hold more solar light in their pineal glands. Those who are out of balance with the solar light and solar fire energies will manifest headaches, vertigo, dizziness, migraines, brain fog, inarticulation of thoughts, disorganisation, poor memory recall and lack clear direction in life.

The Solar Dragons can help us re-calibrate with the Earth change also the higher light codes that are being released and attune us back into our centred spiritual selves.

They aid with removal of stuck energies and blocks in harnessing the changes in the solar light codes.

Good crystals to connect with the Solar Dragons include sunstone, orange calcite, carnelian and iron pyrite.


"I call upon the Solar Dragons to assist me in integrating the solar light codes within my brain and body. Help me to bring through any Solar codes my soul is here on Earth to carry. Support me in processing the higher light with ease and heal any imbalance within me that is causing ill health effects. Please transmute any lower energies that are not serving my path of light and move to a place of inner centered alignment with the high frequency light being released onto Earth in the Ascension process now.


Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.

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