Wealth Dragons

Wealth Dragons

The Dragons of Wealth are special dragons that hold the wealth frequency codes. The Universe is wealthy and how Humans have interpreted this is to create currency as money to trade with and give a value too.

Wealth is, however, a state of being, a vibration to hold within. The Wealth Dragons are great to call upon to help you feel and be wealthy.

Ever wonder how some people always seem to have money, be wealthy and money just seems to come to them? They are holding and honouring the wealth codes within.

Call on the Wealth Dragons to bring you wealth and to shift the blocks you are to having, receiving and being in wealth.

We may have unconscious conditioning programmed in us making us feel guilty or wrong about asking for money.
We may have past life memories or ancestral patterning or conditioning in our beliefs that are stopping us and limiting us opening up to receiving great wealth.

The Universe will give us as much wealth as we ask for. It is always there to access! Yet most of us limit it consciously and unconsciously. Often we can't see how we do this so it is great to call on the Wealth Dragons to illuminate us and to shift our frequency.
"I call upon the Dragons of Wealth to come to me now. Please show me where I am blocking my wealth frequency and I give you permission to transmute these limitations now. I am ready to be the frequency of wealth. I ask you to assist me in manifesting (... state amount you want ..) and help me clear anything in the way of that money coming instantly to me now.

Please assist me in having the focus and the energy to bring my manifestations to me and to support me in releasing myself of any conditioning and beliefs that hold me back now.

In love and gratitude. Adoni"
Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.

Find out more in the Wealth Dragon Workshop.
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