Crystalline Dragons

Crystalline Dragons
The Crystalline Dragons embody the Dragon Crystal Skulls. There are crystal dragons deep in Mother Earth's crystal caves. 

These Dragons guard the crystal frequencies transmuting any negative energies from them.

They work with the crystal consciousness to assist humanity when the crystals are carved into dragon shapes.

Also you may be lucky enough to become a guardian of a crystal that has dragon consciousness connected to it. 

Alphedia became guardian of a beautiful bed of grey calcite. Her supplier said 'you don't want that piece it is not the best quality'.

She felt the energy was very special within this crystal and when she got home and meditated with it a beautiful grey crystalline Dragon emerged and told her about creating Dragon skulls.
It took two years of effort to find a hand carver skilled enough to create and carve Dragon skulls with active crystalline dragon consciousness.

Alphedia has now been able to help hundreds of people become a guardian of a crystalline Dragon. The crystal Dragons consciousness is very powerful, often very direct and want to work with healing light workers and doing leyline Earth healing work and activating Earth energy portals.

Alphedia now offers crystal Dragon skull channelings to help you find out what your Dragon skull is wanting to do to help you and the work you are here to do together.


"I call upon the wisdom of the crystalline Dragons. Please give me guidance from the crystal kingdom. Please clear any blocks to me receiving the guidance. Please assist me with healing and working with my crystalline Dragon. Please also help me connect to the crystalline Dragons deep in the Earth so I can support them with their healing work for this beautiful planet that is my home. Adoni."

Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.
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