Lunar Dragons

Lunar Dragons

The Lunar Dragons are the Moon Dragons. They reside on the moons of planets and carry the lunar codes. These feminine dragons help us connect with the Moon’s healing energy and the energies of other moons in our Galaxy.

These Dragons have very nurturing energy and come to us to aid us with self nurture which many Humans struggle with at times. They will connect with us any time of the day if they are called on but are stronger in their presence at night time and when the Moon is at its fullest.

The Lunar Dragons are excellent to call upon if you are struggling with self work, self love and self acknowledgement of your value on Earth.

They are great to work with if you are feeling depressed or anxious. They bring in their supportive energy to transform negative thoughts and feelings and to help you feel loved and important. 

Calling upon with them while holding a piece of moonstone crystal can amplify communications. Ask them to show you which chakra is blocked with relation to the nurture vibrations. Give them permission to work on you to transmute the lower stuck dense energies in that chakra.

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