Water Dragons

Water Dragons
Water Dragons are Elemental guardians of the seas and oceans. They live in deep underwater crevasses and can be called upon to clear one’s emotional body. They can also be found in fresh water rivers and lakes.

They purify the negative energies that the deep ocean is a sink for on Planet Earth. They work with the Mermaids and Mermen. 

They also keep the leylines under the seas and oceans clear so energy can flow freely around the planet. As well as inland water ways. 

At this time they are struggling with the pollution the seas and rivers are facing from the human race. 

In particular plastic pollution which does not break down naturally. They also deal with oil spills and industrial chemical spillages.
The Water Dragons also helped to neutralise the effect of radioactive matter that was release from the tsunami that hit Japan destroying a nuclear power station reactor.

The Water Dragons are always keen for Earth healers to assist them in giving them energy for the great task they have on Earth at this time in keeping the water clean.

Water dragons have a much more gentler more feminine energy than the other Elemental Dragons Alphedia has come in contact with.

Amazonite crystal can help you connect with Water Dragons as can Blue Aragonite and Malachite.


Earth Healing

"I call upon the Water Dragons to offer my services to assist with helping you with healing the oceans and waterways. Help me to see what I can do to be of assistance to improve this great planet that is my home. Share with me any wisdom you have to assist me with my Earth healing work. I am happy to be of service. Adoni"

Emotional Healing

"I call upon the energy of the Water Dragons to come to me know. Please assist me with my emotions and how I am feeling just now. Aid me in understanding this situation I am in and the feelings I have. Show me clear guidance on the way ahead to reestablish a balance emotional body. Support me with any healing you can offer me at this time. I willingly receive you help now. In gratitude. Adoni"

Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.

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