Metal Dragons

Metal Dragons

The metal dragons reside in the Inner Earth. They connect with all the different types of metals and each have unique roles and healing properties. 

They are also the guardians of aeroplanes, trains, buses and cars so it is good to ask for their protection when you are travelling. 

If you think about it you are travelling at high speed in a metal box! 

They are very grounding dragons and very wise. 

The metal dragons assist with healing the land after mining for metal ores and also assist with holding the earth template for mother Gaia, along with the crystal kingdom. 

As humans our physical bodies often contain heavy metals which are not beneficial for our health. Especially amalgam fillings. 
You can ask the metal dragons to help you detox from heavy metal poisoning that may be affecting your energy system.

Different metals have different vibrational properties. Meditating with different types of metal dragons can bring through different healing and wisdom. 


"I call upon the energy of the Metal Dragons to be with me now. Please help me to detox from any heavy metal poisoning. Please show me any wisdom and guidance your realm has to offer me and any healing. With gratitude for you assistance. Adoni."

Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.

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