Galactic Dragons

Galactic Dragons

Galactic Dragons are dragons that live on other star systems and planets. They carry the wisdom of their star races. 

You can call upon the energy of any of the Galactic Dragons you wish to work with. The Dragons bring with them insight from the other higher dimension civilisations who have been through their own ascension journeys. 

They can help in particular in transmuting any fear you feel about connecting with the star races and blocks to you remembering your star seed lineage. 

They are powerful alleys to work with on the ascension path. Sirian, Arcturian and Pleiadian Dragons are keen to work the humans at this time. You may find other galactic Dragons come to you however.
As souls incarnate we all have different soul history and you may have spend a lot of time on other star races working with the Dragon consciousness. This may attract them to work with you again. Be open to any communication.

It is important to trust your intuition and clairsentience (gut instincts) as to how you feel their energy and if they are beneficial for you to have an experience with them.

"I call upon the energy of the Galactic Dragon Realm. I ask to connect with any Galactic Dragons who are willing to work with me for my highest soul development. I am ready to receive wisdom from the Galactic realms and to provide assistance that is for the highest and best of all. Adoni"

Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.
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